Thursday, April 28, 2011

fairy tale

The world has moved on. But many still dwell within it. For them the world is as it has always been this way. For they are the new inhabitants or rather they are taking it back from its former master. The sign of that master is everywhere the ground is ridden with reminders of what was once there. Reminders of what was done there.
His breath gives him away, it clouds of of the white earth like smoke coming up from a Fireplace. It does not matter though there is no one for miles on this cold day. He does not feel the cold like many of the others. The cold brings the white mist that will create a frozen world he has stored much for the winter but he must still go out every-once and a while to find something that he must have. It does not bother him, going outside gives him a reason to stretch is legs and find fresh food.
It is also much easier to find tracks when the earth sleeps. The moon light catches his breath, to the world he is nothing but a vapor of breath. Most creature know not to fear that vapor for they forget to question what it is. By the track in the ground it looks like tonight is either going to be deer. The earth is cut the hoove prints of many, so chances are going to be high to on a fresh meal. The forest is still and silent. But there is movement he is not the only one out looking for deer. He spots fresh tracks of a wolf. Friend or foe he does not know. The chance of encountering the owner of the prints is rather high and he does not know if the taste of deer is high enough for a dance with death. But may it be friend then chances of meat are even greater. His stomach decides for him and so he moves like a ghost through the forest. He is getting closer to the old structures, he loves seeing them in the day time but at night they remind him to much of a great skeleton. The marks of the tracker are on the path of deer as well. It looks like he will be seeing this thing sooner rather then later. He hears screaming, he begins to run for deer dont scream,they run. He can hear his own step but they are soft. The forest disappears behind him as the screaming gets louder. A soft shape moves in front of him its to far to see what it is. Its a wolf, its eyes are on him with a look of mere amusement but then the look is gone as the wolf looks forward. Sheer death is on its face. The wolf slows down to him apparently power through numbers hasn't been lost on this wolf. They enter the old worlds shapes and structures there shadows hiding many things to the world.
THE DEVIL the sudden noise stops them cold then the begin to move again but slower. IS IN YOUr the sound cuts off again and the screaming returns. The enter the cave of the old world these hallways of straight walls and slanted walls are unique to the old world. OUSE AND HE IS STAyING
the sound echos off the walls to fill is head. The wolf is behind him pushing him forward through the sound and dark. The Sound of the screaming there is a thing in the wall that is trying to get out. HE IS COMING FO It is startle by their presence the dear are in the room as well they are looking at the thing in the tube with sheer amazement. They dont even notice when they enter the room. They suddenly turn to face them with a look of annoyance. CANT RUN OR HID Then they realize, the thing in the Tube is a part of the old world and it moves, its not like anything from the old world doesn't move but this thing is alive. It moves with the fluid motion of life, not like the metal arms of the south that forever pump out black oceans into the desert. They hit the barrier between them and the Creature that looks like them but is not them. For they are savage and brutal while this things is pure, and clean. The screaming begins and but softly the music plays in the background the several of the deer run but most just stay, to amazed to even ponder it. Try to get the creature out to ask it what it is but it points something at them. The gesture is that of a Bowman aiming to kill. They back off he still points the object at them with death in his eyes.
“What are you?” The deer run the sound. Snow fox throws his dagger at one and stops it cold. The other escape. The man lets out a small scream but holds his ground.
Im a wolf And he a Snow fox. What are you?
Your not a Wolf your a Human. He says this while tightening on the grip of this object like it was a bow.
Is that what you call yourself, Human what does it mean?
Its what your are your species. Why do you name yourself animal names?
We are given names by how we work with the world.
This wasn't suppose to happen. Why am I awake.
When were you alse-
I need you to leave this room, where the fuck did the deer come from.
They like to hide in these buildings from the cold.

End of part one


I for the pulp assignment I read the blood crown of Conan. A story that only shows up in the my mind in the images of Frank frazetta's art but more animated, sort of as if fire and ice was made today. his style of Writing is very big on creating images of grand theater through the minds eye. It is tales of Barbarism in a way that only Robert E howard can bring. He creates his own mythology and lands that sounds similar to our own which I find rather amusing, I do enjoy it though. The beginning is a good example of this where the sister is made to kill her own dying brother so that the Iranistanians cant trap his soul. Thats some heavy shit to begin a story with, I mean the woman had to kill her own in order to save her own. I cant wait to finish this novel as well as the other conans over the summer. It always enjoyable to have a few epics on hand on a summer afternoon. Although I feel this summer I shall also get some Lovecraft to read as well.
The link is a enactment of Rober E Howard describing Conan.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oryx and Crake

I really enjoyed the beginning to the novel Oryx and Crake. You begin this tale with the quotes of Jonathan swift echoing in your head
“I could perhaps like others have astonished you
with strange improbable tales; but Irather chose
to relate plain matter of fact in the simplest
manner and style; because my principal design
was to inform you, and not to amuse you.”
and a short quote from Virginia Woolf
“Was there no safety? No learning by heart of
the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter,
but all was miracle and leaping from the
pinnacle of a tower into the air?”
and are then thurst into this world following a man that is called snowman. This is of course of the man's own doing, he wants to be know by the world as something else. He does of course have good reason for such a request, for he is the last of his kind. The last true human which could be taken as a view on isolationism. The man feels utterly alone next the these humanoid creatures. I did enjoy though how the character is introduced as though he is a homeless man, and is then revealed to be of time that has move on. Sort of sounds like were entering the dark tower series but roll with me. The landscape is our world but not, its as if were are forgotten. We have become the ancient ones and these knew creatures are discovering what we left. An Erie feeling creeps up my spine, as if somebody just walk over my grave. But there is this one man the “snowman” or how the last man thinks of himself “ the abominable Snowman”. Notice how he leaves off the first word to the other creatures. This man is a man of a forgotten world but it is our world, so some of the evil must seep through to these creatures that do not understand the past. He creates a god to these people, or Crake was already known. I dont know yet for I have not read that far, or maybe it never says. I always enjoy a story that doesn't start at the beginning but instead decides to start somewhere near the middle or end of a tale. The true beginning of the story is then slowly told to you through memories and by what the man say the the creatures. So you must wonder sometimes if the man is lying to the creatures which I think creates a very interesting narrative by using the falsehoods that the snowman uses the create something else for the new creatures. I cant wait to finish this tale of loss and dismay.  

mass effect 2

Recently I played mass effect 2, a game in which your actions will actually change the ending of the game and it will change the next game in subtle ways. The game is sort of a sandbox game in the sense that you decide which missions to do for the most part and you can exlpore the worlds of the game freely. Another aspect of the game was that the decisions you made would not only change the main plot but also subplots that would be going on behind the main plot. The game is a revved up version of dungeons and dragons, they made combat a much smoother experience and dumbed down leveling up. They just change the environment of dungeons and dragons, instead of wizards, elves, and ors. Its biotics that give people force powers, aliens, and evil robots. They got magic, fantasy and a enemy that no one feels bad about killing.
The dialog boxes within the game are actually half the fun. For you can decide to do something rather renegade or you can do something rather good. I enjoy to pick the side of the renegade mostly because those always seem to be more entertaining then picking the good dialog. An example of something renegade would be the fact that you have the opportunity to throw a certain character out of a skyscraper's window. This is of course shown to you with a in game video.

the next cool thing

I do not believe I have a good idea on what cool is nowadays, im not in the loop of what cool is. I know twitter, facebook, tumblr, blogger, but these are more place to show cool things or become a self obsorbed hypocrite of other people. Some people beleave that HD 3D tv is the next big thing but I find that one hard to believe. I dont think everything should be in 3D just because it can be. So since I do not have a good since what cool it I shall talk about something I would like to see in the world. It would be a mix between a wacom tablet, sketchbook, and a computer screen. It would be one of the first digital sketchbooks. Instead of needing to by paper you just by more gigs. It could also act as a notebook for all your classes. It would easly cut down on the weight in my bag. I could just go to class with that and be good the entire day. I wouldn't have to bike home for forgotten process work ever again. The only problem with a digital sketchbook would be the fact that I would most likely be rather easy to break. I think this product would sell but to the kind of people who want to have the new gadget for the sake of having it and not to enjoy it as a art making device.

Asterious polyp

Asterious Polyp is a great graphic novel, it has a unique style of creating a comic narrative. The writing is witty and more the story along effortlessly. I got lost within its pages for a solid morning which hasn't happened in a long time. The story is that of a man who's ego destroys him and so he must rebuild himself. It is also a tale of lost love, the tale is rather depressing but the those are show against him as he has begun to rebuild himself. So you see im at his worst as he begins to get a grip on his life. I love how the style of the artist would change depending on the situation that was going on. My favorite mix was how he show the melding of a person's soul with another's by outlining them differently or buy showing there style of furniture, It worked beautifully. The artist was also able to get almost an instant read on everything, which is not a easy task to set for oneself. I would have to say that Asterious Polyp gave me more then my expectation had hope for and I was pleasantly surprised by the tale. Every works together so beautifully with in the scenes of this graphic novel, although it did take a bit to get what was going on but after it was understood two separate tales were going on everything just fell right into place.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the bodies show

the bodies show is a new take on a old idea. Contorting and changing the body is an old idea, contortionists make there bodies do things that people believe are impossible to do. the bodies show tries to explain the movements by taking apart the muscle groups and limbs of the body. its still trying to put on a spectacle but in more a sculpture ideal instead of actual movement. uses the human form as its media. the pieces are made up of cadavers that have been cut up and posed. the bodies show how the human form is actually created with the muscle and tendons.

Ryan hanson
Chris Golden